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Ball conclui aquisição do negócio de embalagens de alumínio para aerossol da Tubex

3 Mins read

POR: Edelman

A Ball Corporation (NYSE: BLL) concluiu a aquisição da Tubex Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda., empresa de embalagens de alumínio para aerossol, que inclui a unidade fabril de Itupeva, em São Paulo.

A empresa, que agora faz parte da divisão de embalagens de alumínio para aerossol da Ball, complementa o negócio global de embalagens para aerossol e discos de alumínio da Ball nas Américas, Europa e Índia. A fábrica de Itupeva inclui oito linhas de latas e produz embalagens para o segmento de cuidados pessoais para clientes globais e locais no Brasil.

Sobre a Ball Corporation

A Ball Corporation fornece soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis de embalagens para clientes de bebidas, cuidados pessoais e produtos domésticos, bem como aeroespacial e outras tecnologias e serviços, principalmente para o governo dos EUA. A Ball Corporation e suas subsidiárias empregam mais de 18.300 pessoas ao redor do mundo e registraram vendas líquidas de U$ 11.5 bilhões em 2019. Para mais informações, acesse www.ball.com ou comunique-se conosco pelo Facebook ou Twitter.


Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains “forward-looking” statements concerning future events and financial performance. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “believes,” “targets,” “likely,” “positions” and similar expressions typically identify forward-looking statements, which are generally any statements other than statements of historical fact. Such statements are based on current expectations or views of the future and are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied. You should therefore not place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements and any such statements should be read in conjunction with, and, qualified in their entirety by, the cautionary statements referenced below. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Key factors, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to be different are summarized in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Exhibit 99 in our Form 10-K, which are available on our website and at www.sec.gov. Additional factors that might affect: a) our packaging segments include product capacity, supply, and demand constraints and fluctuations, including due to virus and disease outbreaks and responses thereto; availability/cost of raw materials and logistics; competitive packaging, pricing and substitution; changes in climate and weather; footprint adjustments and other manufacturing changes, including the startup of new facilities and lines; failure to achieve synergies, productivity improvements or cost reductions; mandatory deposit or other restrictive packaging laws; customer and supplier consolidation; power and supply chain interruptions,; potential delays and tariffs related to the U.K’s departure from the EU; changes in major customer or supplier contracts or a loss of a major customer or supplier; political instability and sanctions; currency controls; changes in foreign exchange or tax rates; and tariffs, trade actions, or other governmental actions, including business restrictions and shelter-in-place orders in any country or jurisdiction affecting goods produced by us or in our supply chain, including imported raw materials, such as those related to COVID-19 and those pursuant to Section 232 of the U.S. Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or Section 301 of Trade Act of 1974; b) our aerospace segment include funding, authorization, availability and returns of government and commercial contracts; and delays, extensions and technical uncertainties affecting segment contracts; c) the company as a whole include those listed plus: the extent to which sustainability-related opportunities arise and can be capitalized upon; changes in senior management, succession, and the ability to attract and retain skilled labor; regulatory action or issues including tax, environmental, health and workplace safety, including U.S. FDA and other actions or public concerns affecting products filled in our containers, or chemicals or substances used in raw materials or in the manufacturing process; technological developments and innovations; the ability to manage cyber threats and the success of information technology initiatives; litigation; strikes; disease; pandemic; labor cost changes; rates of return on assets of the company’s defined benefit retirement plans; pension changes; uncertainties surrounding geopolitical events and governmental policies both in the U.S. and in other countries, including policies, orders and actions related to COVID-19, the U.S. government elections, stimulus package(s), budget, sequestration and debt limit; reduced cash flow; interest rates affecting our debt; and successful or unsuccessful joint ventures, acquisitions and divestitures, and their effects on our operating results and business generally.

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